ㆍ In order to improve shareholder’s value and predictability, the company has established and disclosed a mid – long term
shareholder return policy by considering the company’s cash flow and investment plans.
ㆍ The cash dividend is at least 325 KRW per share, and we plan to continue from 2023 to 2026 financial year.
ㆍ In addition to cash dividends, 10.6% (3,591,376 shares) of treasury stocks will be purchased by 2028 in consideration of
the company’s financial requirements and changes in the market environments, and will be incinerated after resolution
by the board of directors within the year in which the purchase period belongs.
ㆍ This shareholder return policy may change depending on changes in the company’s business or market environment changes,
and will be redisclosed for change.
ㆍ Details of cash dividends for the company’s 1st financial year will be confirmed and posted at the 1st regular shareholder’s meeting.